Saturday, November 22, 2014

Called to the Collar

Link to Video above:  Youtube - This Is Life With Lisa Ling | Season 1 Episode 8 - “Called to the Collar”

Lisa Ling follows Fathers Gary and Todd as they minister to their new parishes. Tune in on Sunday night at 10 pm to see them celebrate Mass, baptize new members, visit the area hospital to anoint a woman suffering from liver disease as she awaits a transplant, reflect on loneliness (Fr. Gary: "A wise priest once told me: When you feel the loneliness, don't run away from it, turn it over to Jesus and see what he does."), and look back on hearing their first confessions, answering whether it's difficult to be nonjudgmental.

Those you will meet in "Called to the Collar:"

Meet the twins' parents, Agnes and Brian Koenigsknecht, who speak of their support for their sons' calling and quickly dismiss the question about not having grandchildren by explaining that "not everyone is called to marriage." It's good to note that the Koenigsknechts actually have ten children.

Agnes belongs to a support group for the mothers of seminarians. You will meet these women who explain that unless you have a son in the seminary you can't understand the challenges faced by both the sons and their families... Learn how they react to people who regularly remind them that they won't be grandmothers, and to those who are negative about the notion of priesthood as a vocation, as these proud Moms discuss the critical  need to pray for their sons as they journey through the seminary years.

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